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Understanding Content Operations (ContentOps): A Crucial Capability for Your Organization

Written by Shelby Stephens | Sep 9, 2024 11:00:00 AM

In today's noisy and fast-paced business landscape, Content Operations, or ContentOps, has emerged as a critical organizational capability. It’s no longer just about producing content—it’s about optimizing and scaling activities that directly impact revenue, extending beyond traditional marketing efforts. Let’s dive into why ContentOps is so essential and what it takes to build a successful content operation.




Why Content Ops Matters

Understanding ContentOps as an organizational capability rather than just a function of content creation is key. This isn’t just about recognizing the importance of content itself—it’s about realizing that optimizing and scaling your content efforts is akin to scaling any revenue-generating activity in your business.

Most B2B companies don’t have all their subject matter experts sitting in the marketing department. Often, the expertise needed comes from product teams, engineers, company leaders, or seasoned salespeople. 

These individuals hold the knowledge and insights that can elevate your content, but they aren’t always in marketing or even thinking about content creation. This is where ContentOps becomes vital—it’s about coordinating across departments, bringing together diverse expertise, and ensuring that your content output is both strategic and scalable.

Viewing ContentOps as an organizational capability means recognizing its potential to drive significant revenue and understanding the need to cultivate and build this capability within your business.


What Goes Into ContentOps?

Marketing departments today are essentially being asked to operate like media companies. 

They’re expected to consistently produce high-quality content across various formats, serving a range of organizational goals—from brand awareness and thought leadership to lead generation, customer education, and more. 

And they’re virtually always asked to do this with limited resources.

So, what does it take to run an effective content operation?

There are two main components:

  1. Specialists and Skill Sets: What’s needed to run a media company in-house. This includes not just content creators but strategists, editors, distribution experts, and performance analysts.
  2. Processes and Work Streams: This is where strategy aligns with business goals, encompassing topic selection, source capture, content creation, distribution, and performance analysis.

As ContentOps becomes increasingly critical, businesses need to think strategically about staffing their content operation. This isn’t just about filling roles; it’s about recognizing the diverse skills required and understanding that content creation often involves collaboration beyond the marketing department.

Traditionally, companies either tried to do it all in-house, which is challenging, or outsourced to agencies, which can dilute the company’s unique voice. 

The emerging, optimal solution is a hybrid approach—combining in-house expertise with external professionals who bring the necessary skills, tools, and processes to effectively run a content operation.


Generative AI and Content Operations

The rise of generative AI is making ContentOps even more essential. 

AI increases the volume of content being produced, which means standing out requires even more strategic content creation. 

AI also enables decentralized content creation, making it easier for organizations to leverage the subject matter experts across their organization to capture, create, and repurpose content. 

By integrating AI into your ContentOps, you can tie together various tools, reference your knowledge base, and generate more relevant content that resonates with your audience.



Content Operations (ContentOps) is no longer just a nice-to-have—it’s a critical capability that can significantly impact your organization’s ability to generate revenue and scale effectively. By thinking of ContentOps as an essential part of your business strategy, and not just a function of marketing, you can leverage the full potential of your content efforts.

Whether it’s through a hybrid approach that combines in-house expertise with external professionals or by integrating cutting-edge tools like generative AI, the key is to build a content operation that is both strategic and scalable. This approach ensures that your content isn’t just adding to the noise but is instead driving real results and making a meaningful impact on your business.

As you continue to refine your content strategy, consider how well your current operations align with this vision. Are you set up to scale and optimize your content efforts in a way that truly supports your business goals? If not, it might be time to rethink your approach to ContentOps.

If you’re interested in exploring how to build or enhance your content operations, let’s connect. 

Schedule a 30-minute introductory call, and we'll walk you through your options, provide pricing details, and outline a timeline to get started.